Breaking Health News

We lose weight as we get older according to The Journal of Gerontology Medical Sciences (Jan., 2010). A reeasrch study was done, and they found the same results as other animal studies that calorie restriction increases life span. This was a Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center Study done by Stephen Kritchevsky, Ph D.

There is an interesting article on Life Lessions from a Surf Legion, professional surger, Laird Hamilton.  You may want to read his book, Force of Nature, Mind, Body and Soul by Laird Hamilton. Rodale Books put the book out in 2008. Visit this website:

Hamilton believes the act of channeling our fears empwers us and brings us closer to being more fully human.

He emphasizes the importance of great eating habits, being physically activive, having plenty of energy, and not eating garbage additives. He actually takes 20 pills a day that include protein powerd, vitamin c poweder, powdered greens, and even brain boosting supplements. (He sound like one of my pharmacy students.) If you look at the picture of him and read the article in Life Extensions magazine (July issue) you know he is fine tuned machine.

He also feels we need to address our fears right in the face. Some may say he is fearless. I think the comment where he said “Dying is easy, it’s staying alive that’s tricky, ” is so true.

He eats a lot of fish, even raw fish.

I like what he says, “Smiling is free.”

et cetera